Compliance Services

Compliance Project Management

Conducting one-time screenings for sanctions, Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), and adverse media is a meticulous process that involves the examination of a substantial volume of records on a daily basis. Our primary goal is to provide our clients with peace of mind by conducting a thorough assessment of millions of records.

  • AML Projects

Regulation updates, Mergers & Acquisitions of new clients, Regulatory investigations, or audit failings can trigger the need for remediation projects. We will manage your various AML projects. Our experience and knowledge can help take the strain off your internal resources. We can assist in the planning and execution of activities required to get your AML back on track.

  • Policy and Procedure Development

Our specialised team will develop, implement and maintain various compliance policies and procedures as required by various Regulatory authorities.

  • One-Off Screening

Comprehensive screening for sanctions, PEPs and adverse media. We screen millions of records every day to provide reassurance to our clients.

Quick Deployment

When a compliance risk is identified, action needs to be taken. Our team will provide a cloud-based solution and work directly with you to provide a service that allows you to get your customised screening solution configured and deployed within hours with any software your choice. We also assist in choosing your preferred software.

Online, Batch or Integrated

Implement a screening solution that will give your business the coverage it deserves. Undertake one-off checks via the web portal, process in bulk or integrate directly from your systems.

Auto Discount Rules Engine

Minimise the amount of time spent by employees reviewing potential matches. Automate a range of decisions and dedicate time to focusing on the cases that need a more in-depth investigation.


Ensure your customer screening is always up-to-date. Our monitoring service will perform nightly reviews of your data and provide alerts of any watchlist changes that may relate to your customer.

Match Review

Accurately track decisions when reviewing potential matches and assign risk ratings to true matches. Add notes and attachments to create a complete picture and a detailed audit trail.

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