Compliance Services

Outsource Compliance Services

We support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to carry out internal compliance tasks on a daily basis, eliminating the need to maintain a separate department just for compliance.

  • Sanctions, PEP, and Adverse Media screening

Our dedicated team will assist you with real-time screening and ongoing automated monitoring against comprehensive global sanctions and Politically Exposed Person (‘PEP’) lists. We can work directly on your software, or you may use our preferred IT solutions. These services are provided both for regulated and non-regulated companies.

  • Customer and Suppliers’ Due Diligence

We provide outsourced screening services to satisfy your customer’s due diligence-related regulatory requirements. Our dedicated team will perform various AML checks, CDD and EDD, to help you quickly meet your regulatory obligation to know your customer. We have experience managing screening services from leading companies to provide AML checks via the online portal. We go beyond a ‘one size fits all’ approach and provide various checks for individuals and companies to suit your requirements.

  • Regulatory Reporting

Our dedicated team will manage all your FCA and HMRC reporting requirements on a regular basis for a fixed monthly fee.

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